Friday, April 21, 2006

Name your child responsibly....

I read a sign a while back (again with the signs) for a fundraiser for a child with a certain kind of affliction, to be honest I didn't even read the whole thing, I just remember the name of the event: "Nickels for Nicky"; asking people to donate their nickels to this charity. Now I'm all for catchy names and such, but being the cynical person I am, naturally the first thing that went through my mind wasn't "Aw, how nice that someone wants to do something for this child", but rather, "Gee it kinda sucks that this poor kid's name is Nicky, and not maybe Danny, he coulda made TWICE as much money!" Hell, he could've even raked in the bucks with the "Dollars for Danny"campaign. Even a Kenny could have fared five-times better than poor Nicky! And although it doesn't quite roll off the tongue like its brethren, the "Half-Dollars for Hailey" drive could make up in value what it lacks in participation. Of course, any higher than that and you run the risk of ostracizing the very people who want to help. However well the the "Fivers for Freddy" or "Tens for Timmy" fundraisers may do, few people would be able, or willing, to attend the "Benjamins for Billy" or "C-Notes for Sammy" events.

Naturally things could always be worse..... personally I'm hoping I never need a charity event to pay for my costs... I could very well be screwed.

"Well, Paul, the good news is that 8, 642 people attended the charity event for your new spleen... the bad news is, it won't even cover the gas to get to the hospital..."

This is how my mind works people. Love it or leave it. =)


Yllek said...

LOL. You have an odd mind...

Probably good I'm not easily scared.

Toni said...

I would do pretty well. Tens for Toni!

Yllek said...

Kilo's for Kelly?

People will think I'm after crack or something.

I can't think of anything for Yllek. der grrr

Toni said...

Your blog eats posts.

Several times now I have posted a response to either your post or another person's comments, and it just never shows up. It doesn't happen every time, but yours is the only one where it ever happens at all.

I think your blog hates me. If this one disappears, I am going into witness protection. (hides)

Anonymous said...

It's all relative to where you live. This could've easily been a fund raiser for Euros for Eugene or Yen for Yang.