Thursday, January 05, 2006

The doors have swung open!

OK, I've since opened up the blog for comment from anyone, regardless of whether they're a member of Blogger or not. Personally I don't like forcing people to join things just to participate in something I'm doing, but sometimes it's important to keep the riff-raff out. But I'm now inviting everyone, even the riff-raff in, with the knowledge that I can snuff them out on a whim if necessary. It's my own little geeky high-tech version of a power trip... bear with me. =)


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'd like to post my crazy outlandish comments sometimes :) since im a reader now. Paul, you are free to eliminate them LOL usually i write before i think
Alien L

Anonymous said...

riff raff huh... I can live with that.

Anonymous said...

Mwa ha ha!

Steve said...

[[[ OK, I've since opened up the blog for comment from anyone, regardless of whether they're a member of Blogger or not. ]]]

Huh! Well, I've got my mine set up for non-anonymous posts know, like you want to keep the bad eggs out. But it's not like an over abundance of interest in my blog has been the problem thus far.

Maybe I should follow suit, since following your lead seems to be something I'm doing this week.

I can always just delete posts from people I don't like, right?

Good thing you switched to this method right at the same time you posted a controversial thread about playing the "race" card! It makes me want to post anonymously and pretend I'm some pissed off dude who missed the point of what you were trying to say.

That's the problem with talking about sensitive issues: even when you spell out your story in a way that makes a moral and educated point, there are always people who are semi-illiterate that will not understand and be ready to start fighting.