Monday, January 02, 2006

Blogging in the New Year

Hello my faithful and resilient readers! Thank you all for patiently awaiting my return from Blog-hiatus; I know I have been negligent in my writing duties, but on top of the usual "Holidays are crazy" business, the truth is: nothing much has been going on, at least nothing blog-worthy. However, I did want to drop in and say that I'm still very much alive, and will hopefully be blogging in full force in the upcoming weeks.
I also wanted to give a big thanks to my closest friends that made my first New Years bash a fun and festive event. Not all of my good friends could make it unfortunately, but our thoughts were with them nonetheless. Thanks to Linda, Tim, Rich & Jill & the kids Emily and Josh, Michelle, Toni, Liz & son Alex, Steve, Sue and Joe for choosing to spend their New Years with me. Special honorary mention goes out to Steve's wife Sue, who sacrificed her night to watch the kiddies so that Steve may join us. Despite having three kids in my incredibly un-kid-friendly apartment, injuries were minimal, structural damage was much less than anticipated and noise levels were.... well, OK, it was damned noisy. But having learned from previous New Years parties that it is wise to hold back on the noisemakers until the last minute when kids are involved, we were able to avoid having the neighbors call the police. The new 67" TV accommodated everyone well, although Regis's huge-honkin head is even scarier in wide screen, especially when attempting to sing. Almost everyone managed to leave something at my place interestingly enough, regardless of their state of intoxication. Sadly, undergarments were not among the items left behind. And if there's one thing we all learned that night, one thing that we could take home with us, it was the knowledge that Peter Gabriel has finally gone of the deep end.
One last note: The Paulanoma blog now has a confirmed 8 total readership, with an estimated 10! These numbers are indeed staggering, and increasing every year! I hope to hit a cool dozen by the end of the decade. Until then, keep warm, keep cool, and have a very wondrous and exciting new year!

(Addendum: Does anyone else find it ironic that the Spellcheck on a BLOG-specific website does not recognize the word 'blog'??)


Paul G. said...

This may seem odd to be commenting on my own post, but this was just way too damned funny not to add.... after finishing up my initial entry, I made my way over to Steve's Thymenage blog to catch up on his reading, and the very first thing I read was this entry:

"I'll refrain from saying, "With the holidays and all I have been just so, so busy," because that is so common it's trite. But there's a reason why every asshole in town gripes about how "crazy" thing are leading up to Christmas."

Recalling my excuse for my absence:
".... on top of the usual "Holidays are crazy" business, the truth is: nothing much has been going on.....

I just had to laugh.

In retrospect, it's amazing how many things I've actually stopped myself from doing or saying because Steve has pointed out how asinine or trite it is when someone else does it. Do I get offended? Absolutely not, because in reality, he's totally right! So keep up the good work Steve, this trite asshole thanks you!

Yllek said...

(Addendum: Does anyone else find it ironic that the Spellcheck on a BLOG-specific website does not recognize the word 'blog'??)

You should see what Appleworks Speelcheck does not recognize as words. I never knew I'd have to have it learn F*** then, have it suggests that to me when it didn't recognize another word.

Anonymous said...

What'd I forget?!?!?

Paul G. said...

[[[[What'd I forget?!?!? ]]]

Fortunately you & Sue were the only ones that did not leave anything behind, which is lucky for you, because you're probably the most likely not to get them back... =)